ALOHA!!! I’m Lavinia. An eighteen y/o girl in love with my Saviour, fashion and all things pink. I'm also obsessed with Gilmore Girls and Gossip Girl and constantly binge watch episodes over and over again. I have an unhealthy addiction to Raro and Nutella (not together) and love love love elephants.

I'm an Auckland girl born and bred but like most people have a never ending desire to travel the world. I want to shuffle my surroundings; to wake up in cities I can get lost in and have conversations in languages I don't completely understand. I'll get there one day. 

Til that day comes I fill my weeks with almost daily commutes into the city to study. At the moment I’m half way through my Certificate in Hospitality and Tourism which will then bridge into the Bachelor of International Hospitality Management that I plan on starting next year double majoring in Event Management and Marketing. Weekends are spent at Macca's where I'm the one with the headset and the super high voice asking for your order and at church. I've been a Christian for the majority of my life and don't want to be one of those people who shove their faith down your throat but God is a HUGE part of who I am so it is bound to come up from time to time. Sorry if that causes any offense. 

Next week I'm going to be doing a get to know me Q+A post so if you have any questions comment them below or hit me up either through the contact link or through any of my social media accounts (links in the sidebar). 

Til next time
XO lavinia