Each couple of weeks I’m hoping to share where I’m at with my faith, or what Gods been teaching me. I know at the beginning of all this I promised I wouldn’t try to shove my faith down anyone’s throat and I still stand by that. But different things that have happened over the past couple of weeks have led me to the conclusion that I’ve been too silent about my faith, pushing it back into its little box and not letting it take over my whole life. That’s so incredibly wrong. I was flicking through my photos a couple of days back and I came across a part of my friends’ testimony that I had taken a photo of because back then it whispered to my soul, however, when I read it the other day it fully convicted me to be less consumed by the world and its materialistic calls but once again to humble myself at the feet of Jesus.  This is what she wrote:
"However, I know that even though I have been blessed by God with so many wonderful things I must not hold onto everything so tight like I did before and remember that it is important that God doesn’t become an afterthought, nor should pursuing a relationship with him become a burden."